Sunday, October 10, 2010

SPACES Alternative Tour Guide Positions Available!

The Student Promoted Access Center for Education and Services (SPACES) hosts alternative tours for UCSD that focus on the history and culture of UCSD and San Diego to appeal to a more diverse group of potential students. Tours are an opportunity for students from under-served and under-resourced backgrounds to be exposed to and engaged in the academic, social, cultural and political aspects of the undergraduate experience on campus. Volunteers are essential to lead tours, reach out to visiting students, talk about their experiences on panels, and help SPACES Tours out.

Members of SAAC (BSU, MEChA, KP, APSA, QPOC, NASA, SDC), allies, and any individuals committed to social justice, to provide the (our)story of students of color on this campus, diversity and change.

- Gain public speaking skills & build your resume
- Learn the (our)story of students of color and activism at UCSD
- Great way to get involved with social justice activism on campus
- Paid stipends $$$

- Fill out an application:
- Attend a Training!

Thursday Oct 14th - 7pm @ SPACES
Friday Oct 15th - 3pm @ SPACES
(Pick one training to attend)

Leslie & Melissa at: ucsdalternativetours[at]gmail[dot]com for more information!

Join our Facebook Group to stay connected: